Oh your god..
This is by far the funniest, kewl-est game.. ever.. And the humor is astonoching (who cares how you're supposed to spell that word).. The best part has got to be when I accidently portaled myself the second island and met CElion himself, great thinking to put yourself in the game, but why did you have to make it so I have to assrape you to get The UberSword of Willy Wanka'h?!.. Even though it's by far the best weapon in the whole game, it's definetly NOT worth watching.. well basically gay-porn... dude, clearly that was never meant to be seen by anyones eyes. But then again, the humor in it quite mind-blowing.. much like the other kind of blowing I was tricked into watching.. And also, to anyone else playing this game, do NOT, I repeat.. do NOT go into the backroom in Stromglades Tavern. Unless of course you find it funny to be strapped from all your armour only to have a fat guy in lamellar clothing wipping you with a mace.. sure the xp is good, but again, so NOT worth it.. oh, and by the way.. if you decide to make an actual game.. do let me know.. and I'll be sure to BLAM it harder than anyone's ever BLAM-ed anything before.. LOL.. just kidding..
Enjoy your mentstat while it lasts and hopefully the bats won't catch you jerking off again..
Over n' out..
(Wasted 6,35 minutes of my life writing this.. LOL..)